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Local Governors

Welcome to the Governors' page on the All Saints C of E Primary School website

School Governors are drawn from different parts of the community and some are by elected by parents or staff. This helps ensure the Governing Body has sufficient diversity of views and experience but does not mean Governors of a particular category represent that group on the Governing Body. For example, Parent Governors do not represent the parents at the school and do not report back to them.

Read more about the work of the governing body by clicking HERE.


The Governing Body has a range of duties and powers and a general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational welfare and achievement. Its responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  1. Agreeing the school improvement plan with the head teacher
  2. Setting and reviewing targets for pupil achievement
  3. Ensuring targets and policies are met and implemented
  4. Planning how the school’s budget will be allocated
  5. Making sure the curriculum is balanced and broadly based
  6. Appointing senior staff
  7. Reviewing the Head Teacher’s performance and pay

Meet our Governors

All Saints Church of England Primary School is a formerly Church Aided School and has two types of Governors – Foundation Governors, appointed by the church, and Non-Foundation Governors who are either appointed by the Trust or elected by the parents and teachers.

Julia Hancock Chair of Governors
Vacancy Vice Chair of Governor
Lucy Boulger Head of School - Staff Governor
Vacancy Incumbent Clergy
Rebecca Dennis Staff Governor
Joan Connolly Foundation Governor
Vacancy Co-opted Governor
Adam Loydall Parent Governor
Theresa Johnston Parent Governor
Rebecca Miles Clerk to Governors